Index of Commodity Prices

The Commodity Prices Index (IPMP) tracks the prices of Argentina´s main commodity exports, which represent almost half of total exports.

The IPMP considers the prices of the most representative basic agricultural products (corn, wheat, soybean, soybean pellets, soybean oil, barley, beef), crude oil, and metals (gold, copper, aluminum and Steel), weighted by their share on total exports. Actual weights are:

Agricultural (84.4%) Soybean (10.7%) Soy pellets (27.1%) Soybean oil (10.5%) Corn (17.3%) Wheat (7.8%) Barley (2.3%) Meat (8.6%)
Metals (10.8%) Gold (6.8%) Copper (1%) Primary Aluminum (2.1%) Steel products (0.8%)      
Crude oil (2.6%)

The IPMP is calculated and published on a daily basis, using the available prices of the previous day in the commodity markets of United States, Europe and Asia.

For comments or questions, please contact:

IPMP Methodology (pdf) - in Spanish -

Download historical series (xlsx)

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