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Standardized tables of statistical series
Customized Inquiries on Statistical Series
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This report provides a statistical summary on the evolution of the main monetary variables: monetary base, international reserves, deposits, loans, interest rates, BCRA’s instruments, etc. In addition, it includes detailed information on the explanatory factors of the monetary base and the international reserves.
Since 2003, the daily values of the main monetary variables have been included: monetary base, international reserves, deposits, loans, interest rates, BCRA’ instruments, among others, as well as a detail of the explanatory factors of the monetary base and the international reserves.
As of 2022, a column identifying each type of series will be added to the “Series.xlsm” sheets (previously Seriese.xls in Spanish and Seriesi.xls in English)—which simultaneously display daily data, monthly averages and changes— without modifying the content or order of the historical series.
• Users will be able to choose to display all types of series at the same time or only some of them.
• In order to facilitate the use of information, either with Microsoft Excel or using open source data mining tools, an unformatted header has been added.
• Each sheet also includes an option to display text in Spanish or English.