Style Guide for Drafting Resolutions

This guide sets forth the basic standards for drafting resolutions issued by the BCRA's highest authorities.

It is a tool that provides a framework for achieving clear, accessible, consistent, easy-to-read and easy-to-understand texts for different audiences.

The proposal, considered as good governance practice, seeks to create and ensure more direct communication between the BCRA and the public, thus, achieving greater transparency.

The use of precise and simple wording will allow the target population to better understand, comply with, and effectively apply the BCRA’s regulations.

The resolutions covered by the guide are:

  • Resolutions by the Board of Directors
  • Resolutions by the Governorship
  • Resolutions by the Superintendence of Financial and Foreign Exchange Institutions (Superintendencia de Entidades Financieras y Cambiarias, SEFyC)
  • Joint Resolutions (Governorship and SEFyC)

These resolutions are issued through the Electronic Document Management System (Gestión Documental Electrónica, GDE).

The standards set forth in the guide are mandatory for all BCRA personnel.

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