Prebisch Library provides specialized information on economy, in particular on financial and monetary subjects. Moreover, it contains a wide range of bibliographic resources on the history of economics, statistics, finance, banking law among other related subjects.
The library holds over 51,200 print books and brochures, more than 2,664 national and foreign periodical publications, 213 articles in 910 CD-ROMs, and other 263 in 1,765 microfilm rolls.
It has been constantly growing thanks to the permanent acquisition of books, brochures and periodical publications.
Its origin may be traced back to 1935 when the Central Bank was created. It was founded as under Executive Decree 61,127/35, Section 20, whereby “the Economic Research Office at Banco de la Nación Argentina together with its books, records and other related documents, Library and Economic Magazine are required to fall under the scope of the Central Bank of Argentina”. Thus, Banco de la Nación Argentina transferred its economic and financial library, which, in turn, had inherited the old collection of Banco Nacional.
As regulatory authority of the financial system, the Central Bank has built up valuable collections of historical documents related to National Public Lending and former financial institutions, among others concerning the Argentine economic and financial history of interest for research.
In March 2005, Prebisch Library was acknowledged as Depository Library of the International Monetary Fund.
This library is available for officers and personnel of the Central Bank, national and provincial agencies, banks and other financial institutions, national and foreign researchers, professors and students, and the public as well.
Specialized information research and reference service
Search room for all the available material in the Libraries’ collection. Access to group study and silent reading rooms.
Database search available at the Libraries.
Reprography. . The Library offers reproduction for a fee and self-copy for free with the constraints in force set out by the Copyright Law and the collections’ preservation state
Files of National Public Lending (1864-1935)
Banco de Italia y Río de la Plata (Minutes 1871-1956)
Banco Español del Río de la Plata (Minutes 1886-1943)
Banco Germánico de la América del Sur (Inventories 1945)
Deutsche Überseeische Bank (Inventories 1945)
Banco Comercial de Tucumán (Minutes 1912-1965)
Banco Comercial del Norte (1965-1979)
Dr. Raúl Prebisch Library offers in-person services by appointment only, Mondays through Fridays, from 10 am to 3 pm at Reconquista 266, City of Buenos Aires.
To make an appointment or request further information, please write to
Telephone | 54 11 4348-3771/3772